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The creative editing of your archival materials - photos and videos, personal / family and professional archives, digital or not: this is DAC.

T he fragments that are captured by the devices of the modernity - videos, photos, words and music - weave the plot of the stories of each of us, and for me they are the pure essence of my interest, which it has become my job: editing.

My works

Sono montatore da 20 anni: il mio curriculum conta lavori per tutte le maggiori emittenti televisive nazionali con sede a Milano (Sky Cinema, Mediaset, Disney, RAI, MTV, Sportitalia), con progressiva maturazione verso una tv culturalmente specializzata (Sky Classica), che mi ha impegnato negli ultimi anni con una produzione continuativa e permesso di realizzare anche in co-regia prodotti di varia natura e destinazione.
Negli anni ho fatto esperienze di documentari di taglio più cinematografico e molte esperienze di documentari istituzionali a tema sociale, culturale, aziendale.
Ho spesso lavorato con materiali d’archivio.

On the one hand, I have personally created, as a director, works that link to story of the protagonists' lives with the visual scenario of the world in which they have lived. The images show the places and the words inhabit them, combining the present to the past, and the viewer can make them his own.
The most important among them:
On the other hand, I have realised works that condense the history of important institutions (and women and men within them) and how they built their uniqueness and historical value. The most significant are:

Working with Christian Giuffrida was first and foremost pleasure for me. He is a professional with whom a constructive and, in part, instructive dialogue is always possible. During the editing of the documentary film “Teatro alla Scala. The Temple of Wonders” it was truly possible to create something together. The atmosphere, during the intense and stressful weeks of work, was relaxed and cheerful despite the maximum concentration that the project, given the subjects involved, required. I have extremely positive memories of that period and of all the years spent together working for the Sky Classica HD television channel, certainly for the beauty inherent in the subject matter (music, art), but above all for his professional nature,, in the broadest sense.” Silvia Corbetta | Author, presenter and head of TV productions and co-director of the film “Teatro alla Scala. The Temple of Wonders”

“I have a really fantastic memory of working with Christian: I always had to fight when I worked with editors and for this reason in almost all my films, I wanted to edit the material myself. But with Christian it was magical: I remember with particular emotion the sequence of the children and the tenores... a truly brilliant editing!!!” Vincent Moon | Filmmaker and visual artist |

“The collaboration with Christian Giuffrida has always been excellent.In particular with regard to the film “Mariscica fu la prima”, which achieved good distribution success. To his indisputable professionalism , Christian combines a particular sensitivity that manages to grasp the nuances of the story, regulates its rhythm perfectly,and, while accepting the director’s suggestions, is able to suggest important stylistic choices.” Annamaria Gallone | Documentary Producer and Director |

“I worked with Christian on the editing of two films, Underground Harvest and Aceh, After. Christian introduced me to the pleasure of creating in the editing process even before shooting, discussing aesthetic and narrative visions that then animated the shooting. In post-production, he proved to be attentive and inventive, as well as technically very skilled, even when dealing with difficult material, all spoken, for example, in Indonesian or other Indonesian languages. He is also very patient!” Silvia Vignato | Associate Professor of Cultural Anthropology at the University of Milan-Bicocca |  

Follow Us

Write us what materials you have, what needs or ideas, and for what occasion you would you like a video editing; to ask for a quote or at the opposite to indicate a budget within which to work - we have editing formats for any need and for any wallet. Do not hesitate to ask us questions, we will surely find an answer: we think it is important, first of all, to satisfy your desire not to lose the memory!

I worked with:

Logo has been designed by Lorenzo Gemmellaro.
